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Summer, 2012: Founded by Ron Perfetti in 1981, the Hawaii T'ai Chi Ch'uan Association continues its instructional and educational activities under the direction of senior instructors whom Ron certified and trained.
Information about the Hawaii T'ai Chi Ch'uan Asssociation, including their new website, is here.
A brief overview of T'ai Chi Ch'uan principles and history. Discussion of T'ai Chi's benefits for several specific conditions
Extensive T'ai Chi glossary, suitable for browsing. Terms throughout the site marked
are also cross-linked to their glossary entry
Includes practice guidelines, a bibliography of readings, a list of instructors worldwide, and Ron Perfetti's Instructional DVD and CD Set
Ron's biography and photo gallery
Information and contact
Hawaii T'ai Chi Ch'uan Association
Links to other web resources on T'ai Chi, Chinese Medicine and Culture, Taoism, and martial arts
©1997-2012 Ron Perfetti
website: Alex "F. Skirt" DeNovo